Friday, July 8, 2011

Committee Meeting on 5/26/11

Meeting was held at Randy Crawfords condo, attending was: Randy, Ginger, Austin, Brad, and Sue, Joe R. couldn't make it.
We discussed about replacing the air vents, that are plastic on top of the roof. Some are cracked and leak down into peoples condos closets. We need to have metal vents put in, there are 7 vents on building 1940 and Austin had a roofing company replace 3 vents that were leaking bad so far.
He will find out if there are anymore and find out how much it would be to have them replaced,.
The committee feels we need to raise the Association dues from $80.00 to $90.00 a month. They feel we need to put more aside in savings for replacing the roof on all four buildings in the future. Austin got an estimate and it could be $20,000.00 to do that. So far we have spent $200.00 to replace roof vents in 2010. We have spent out of our savings $7236.73 to have the parking lot resurfaced. So we decided to send all condo owners a notice in the mail of a upcoming annual meeting. We decided to have one on July 21, 2011, to review and have a vote on the association monthly fee raise. Only condo owners can vote on rule and fee changes.
We also talked about the problem we are having of cars parking in front of Building 1900. Randy checked with the police department and they said because it is a main driveway into the complex we, the board, have the right to notify cars that disobey our rules. We should notify them that we will have their car towed if they park in an unassigned parking place. They should park their car in their assigned parking spot or in their garage, not in the way for Emergency vehicles or Fire Department vehicles.
Randy is going to check with "Gee's Asphalt", who coated the parking lot, on the poor job they did. It has a warranty on the work and he will see what they can do to fix it better. It is coming off and showing through the old yellow paint lines and the handicap markings on the blacktop. They seem to coat it too thin or poorly.
Austin said he is updating the list of who lives in what condos and phone numbers for them. He will have it done to hand out to people at our meeting on July 21st at 6:00 p.m. We will ask Joe Roman if he wants to continue serving or not. If not then we will have to vote on a replacement board member for his place.

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