We had 12 people attend.
We noticed that the right hand post on the fence around dumpsters has broken, so be careful closing the doors until we can get it fixed. We need people to follow the rules on puttting trash and recycleable in proper container. Sue Person ( Secr.) will talk to A-1 Disposal Service and get our trash picked up every M-W-F like scheduled. We have a three year contract with them so we are pretty well bound to that. She will check about other things that A-1 can do for us and let the board know.
We discussed the parking issue we have of cars not parking in designated assigned spots. We will start removing vehicles parked in front of building 1900 and have them towed away at owners expense. Any board member that see this can call Darrah's (319-363-7900) at any time to have a vehicle towed. We have warned that this is a main entrance to the complex and also our main fire lane to get into here, so we do not want cars parked in that area.
We discussed that there are still open units not sold and why can't we get them sold. Austin ( Tres.) said he is still working with the banks to release the properties to us to sell.
Lawn care was talked about and Ginger (V.P.) said that we still have no budget to be able to have bushes trimmed. We will check on this , but if you are able to trim bushes or trees feel free to do so.
It was brought to our attention that the security light on the end of the garages near garbage area is out. We will try to replace it soon. We also talked about the grassy area open behind garages and can we make that into something else. Randy (Pres.) said he would get quotes on maybe black topping that area for extra parking. He will check with the city zoning people if that can even be done. The board will meet soon on what he has found out.
We had an election of open board member, Randy said Daren Schumaker from unit #48 would be interested. We put it to a vote and it was unanimous in favor of him.
Current Board Members :
Randy Crawford - President -1 year remaining
Ginger O'Banion - Vice President- 1 year remaining
Sue Person - Secretary- 1 year remaining
Austin Coon - Treasurer- 1 year remaining
Brad Tebockhorst- Director- 1 year remaining
Daren Schumaker - Director-new 3 years term
Year to Date
Income - $20,091.71
Interest- $6.68
Total Income- $20,098.39
Residence- Insurance - $4,274.02
Utilitles /Maintenance
Alarm Service- $2,208.38
Electricity- $2,174.32
Lawn Care- $400.00
Snow Removal-$4,919.00
Phone Line (for fire)- $1,788.57
Trash - $998.69
Water- $1,144.31
Miscellaneous Expense
Postage/Office Supplies - $64.00
Bank Fees- $10.00
TOTAL EXPENSES- $17,981.29
NET INCOME- $2,117.10